Note: Prices are indicative and can vary on clinical diagnosis
Wisdom teeth also known as third molars are the last adult teeth to erupt into the mouth. Mostly people have four wisdom teeth.
Wisdom teeth is said to be impacted when they don’t get enough space to erupt in normal direction ,thus leading to discomfort, Pain & other dental problems.. Impacted Wisdom tooth does not need intervention in all cases ,but if it gets infected or it causes damage to adjacent teeth ,it may lead to following signs and symptoms:
Also called Transverse Impaction in which molar lies horizontally and pushed into the molar next to it, causing unbearable pain. If it is not treated, it may damage adjacent teeth.
Also called Disto-angular impaction.
It is least common of all types of impactions.
In this case, the wisdom tooth is angled towards the back of the mouth
This type of impaction has vertical orientation.
There is a greater chance of such teeth erupting in its normal position and no treatment is required in most of the cases.
Extraction is needed only if tooth becomes infected.
Also Called Mesio-angular impaction which is the most common of all impactions.
The tooth is angled towards the front of the mouth.
Such kind of impactions are monitored at regular intervals because there are chances of tooth erupting in its normal position In such cases.
But if it continues to exert pressure on the adjacent tooth thus causing its damage, then it requires extraction at the earliest.