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Did you get your dental cleaning done recently? If you haven’t got it done professionally in over a year, it’s time to do it now.

Maintaining regular dental cleanings may greatly benefit one’s health and well-being. Regular dental cleanings are important because they reduce the risk of developing gum disease, which may result in tooth loss, and cavities, which can cause tooth decay. Knowing the need for regular dental cleanings is crucial for keeping teeth and gums in good condition.

What is Dental Cleaning?

Regular dental cleaning is crucial for the health of your smile, just as an annual checkup is necessary for the general well-being of your body. Its major objective is to get rid of tartar and plaque buildup on your teeth and below the gum line to lower your risk of developing cavities, gum disease, and eventual tooth loss. 

Additionally, it allows your dentist and dental hygienist to check for indications of tooth decay, oral cancer, and other problems with your oral health.

A dental cleaning is part of an annual dental checkup, which should be performed at least once but preferably twice each year and should not be skipped. Even if you think your teeth are clean, a dental expert should undertake a detailed check to be sure since gum disease’s early stages are sometimes difficult to spot.

What Happens During a Dental Cleaning?

Through the use of unique procedures, dental cleanings provide your teeth with a thorough cleaning that removes plaque, tartar, and germs down to the tooth roots and below the gum line. 

The gum-protected surfaces of your teeth are covered with hard tartar deposits, which are a favourite hiding place for the germs that cause gum disease. Toxins are released by the bacteria as they develop and reproduce, irritating your gums.

Your gums begin to peel away from the tooth’s surfaces over time, creating microscopic crevices that let germs get into the roots of your teeth. Infections around the bottom portion of your teeth may gradually damage the roots, resulting in tooth loss.

To stop gum disease from worsening and leading to tooth loss, dental cleaning eliminates germs from under the gum line and around the roots. Additionally, your dentist will plane (or smooth) the surfaces of your tooth roots to make it more difficult for germs to subsequently “attach” to them. To eliminate bacteria that are difficult to reach, an antibiotic gel may sometimes be put on the teeth during cleaning; in other cases, oral antibiotics or a specialised antibiotic mouthwash may be recommended. 

Deep dental cleaning employs local anaesthetics to numb your gums since it reaches beyond the gum line. If your gums are very sensitive or you’re concerned, sedation may be utilised to make you quiet and comfortable.

During routine cleanings, you can also ask your hygienist about specific areas of your mouth where your brushing and flossing techniques could improve. Your hygienist can also check that you’re correctly carrying out both of those tasks so you can remove as much plaque and tartar as you can at home. 

Cleaning your teeth twice a year not only prevents gum disease but also lessens the likelihood of developing foul breath. Regular checkups and cleanings are sometimes combined to give the dentist an opportunity to inspect your teeth, check for oral cancer, and take X-rays as necessary.

How Does the Procedure Work?

Both a dental hygienist and a dentist are equipped to provide you with professional teeth cleaning. Three cleaning methods are used throughout the process:

  • Tooth scaling – The procedure of scaling involves eliminating the chemicals that build up in films or layers on the surface of the teeth.
  • Tooth polishing – Making the surface of the teeth smoother is the procedure of polishing, which is done after scaling.
  • Debridement – Debridement is performed when there is too much tartar buildup and scaling is ineffective. When utilising this method, the dental hygienist will use a wide variety of dental instruments to carefully loosen the deposits and then remove them from the teeth.


An essential element of good oral health is regular dental cleaning. Your teeth may quickly get damaged or discoloured if you don’t have regular dental cleanings. Lack of thorough dental cleaning may have wider-ranging medical and social repercussions in addition to your oral hygiene. For instance, several studies have shown a connection between poor dental hygiene and various chronic illnesses including heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. You can keep up a healthy lifestyle by keeping your teeth, gums, and smile clean and healthy.