Dental Home Monthly Updates



Fast facts on pain after a root canal

If you have been asked recently by your dentist to go for a root canal for your decaying tooth, do not worry. You are one among many who are opting for this procedure to save a tooth or two.

It is natural for your teeth to feel sensitive for the first few days following the completion of a root canal. It typically happens due to the tissue inflammation, especially if there was pain or infection before the procedure. However, your dentist will help you manage this sensitivity or discomfort with certain over-the-counter pain medications. In most cases, you can expect to resume your normal activities the very next day with minimal care.

If you are looking for a best root canal treatment in Gurgaon you can visit The Dental Home – Multispeciality Dental Clinic in Gurgaon for reliable and affordable dental services.

How much pain is normal?

Gone are days where you could commonly hear patients screaming in pain at the dental clinic. Thanks to modern techniques and anesthetics, most people can comfortably undergo the root canal with little or moderate pain.

Remember that it is normal for your root canal-treated tooth to feel slightly different from your other teeth for some time after the treatment is completed. However, it is time to check with your dentist or endodontist if you have severe pain or pressure or pain that lasts more than a few days.

There are a few cases, where a tooth that has undergone the root canal does not heal or the pain doesn’t subside. In such a case, best option is to opt for a second chance to save the tooth with retreatment. Your dentist shall be able to alleviate the dental pain or discomfort and promote healing with an additional procedure.


Can a root canal fail?

Typically, most root canal-treated teeth last as long as other natural teeth. Under the guidance of you dentists and with proper care, you should be able to maintain the teeth that have had root canal treatment for as long as a lifetime. But occasionally, few patients report that their teeth are not healing properly, becoming painful or diseased long time after the treatment. This can occur after a successful treatment as well. There are several reasons for this including:

  • Certain problems with respect to the tooth anatomy were not detected during the first treatment
  • A new problem such as new decay can also jeopardize a tooth that was successfully treated, by causing infection in the treated tooth
  • A crack or opening in the crown can lead to tooth infection
  • A tooth fracture

When this occurs, the best thing to do is to redo the endodontic procedure and save the tooth.

Apart from these remedies, remember to follow good oral hygiene, including brushing, flossing, and regular checkups and cleanings.




Preparing your mouth and tooth: Root Canal Specialist in Gurgaon

Before we start talking about root canal procedure, let us understand the basic fact that root canal is quite a common treatment to treat tooth decay. Therefore, don’t worry over how complicated the process for root canal will be. We will help you with basic facts and information to know everything about what root canal treatment entails. To begin with, Root canal is a type of endodontic treatment where ‘endo’ means inside and ‘odont’ stands for tooth in Greek. The procedure in simple words involves treating your tooth from inside.

Here are basic steps that a dentist performs when preparing for a root canal procedure:

  • First, the dentist will take an X-ray of the affected area to see the shape of the root canals and determine if there are any signs of infection in a surrounding bone.
  • Next, the dentist or endodontist will use local anesthesia to numb the area near the tooth. Often, anesthesia may not be necessary, since the nerve is dead, but most dentists still anesthetize the area to make you more relaxed and at ease.

Then, to keep the area around the affected tooth dry, isolated and free of saliva during the treatment, a thin sheet of vinyl or rubber called a dental dam will be used.

Cleaning, shaping and filling the tooth

Specialized root canal files are used by dentists to carry out the cleaning process of the tooth area. Once your affected tooth area is ready for the treatment, an access hole will be drilled into the tooth. Your dentist will then use a series of root canal files of increasing diameter by subsequently placing each one of them into the access hole. The files are then worked down the full length of the tooth to scrape and scrub the sides of the root canals. This will help remove the decayed nerve tissue, the pulp along with bacteria, and related debris from the tooth. With removal of the nerve tissue, added bonus would be that you won’t feel any pain. Water or sodium hypochlorite will be used periodically to flush away the debris.

Shaping of tooth is a delicate process that requires a lot of skill. Shaping during root canal involves contours of the tooth’s canals being enlarged and flared, so that they have a shape that’s more ideal for the procedure’s filling and sealing step. During shaping of the tooth, the dentist will seek to achieve an ideal shape, without removing internal tooth structure to an extent, or in a fashion, that might compromise the integrity of the tooth.

The dentist will then flush the canals with antibacterial solutions before filling them completely with a rubberlike biocompatible material called gutta-percha. The gutta-percha is placed with an adhesive cement to ensure complete sealing of the root canals. Often a temporary filling will be used to close the access hole opening.

Sealing the tooth from reinfection

The final step involves further restoration and sealing of the tooth. The gutta-percha filling and sealers will prevent bacteria from once again entering the tooth. To ensure that the affected tooth that has undergone a root canal to treat a large filling or extensive decay or other weakness, a crown, crown and post, or other restoration will often be placed on the tooth to protect it and prevent it from breaking. This helps restore the tooth to its full function. In some cases, dentists may leave the tooth open so additional material can drain out of the tooth before it is filled and sealed. Some dentists will put a temporary filling in the tooth to protect the area while the infected material drains away completely. In either case, your dentist will normally discuss the need for any additional dental work with you.

There are several instructions to be followed both during and post the root canal to manage the pain. Such as, one should not chew or bite on the treated tooth until you have had it restored by your dentist. The unrestored tooth is susceptible to fracture. Therefore, avoid delay in seeing your dentist for a full restoration.

If you’re looking for a rct treatment in Gurgaon, why not have a consultation at the The Dental Home to come up with a treatment plan tailored to your specific requirements? We’d be happy to help.


Overview- Wisdom Tooth Removal Surgery in Gurgaon

Wisdom teeth, also knowns as third molars, are the last permanent teeth to appear in the mouth. These teeth usually grow at the back of our gums and are the last teeth to come through. Some people never develop wisdom teeth whereas for some others, these erupt normally, similar to their other molars and cause no problems. But many people develop impacted wisdom teeth with not enough room to erupt into the mouth or develop normally. If you are among the latter ones, you should make an appointment to see your dentist, especially, if these teeth are causing pain. The dentist can check using an X-ray and advise you if they need to be removed.

The day of your surgery

The wisdom teeth that have become impacted can often cause dental problems due to trapping of food particles and bacteria responsible for a buildup of plaque. If not removed, it can lead to tooth decay, gingivitis, or collection of pus (abscess).

On the day of your surgery, first you will be given a local anesthesia to numb the tooth and surrounding area so that you feel minimum pain during the procedure. In rare cases, sedative or general anesthesia may be given by the surgeon.

The extraction involves following steps:

  • If the tooth hasn’t come through the gum, the dentist will make an incision in the gum tissue to expose the tooth and bone. A small piece of the bone blocking access to the tooth may also need to be removed.
  • Since it is easier to remove the tooth in pieces, the tooth may be cut into smaller parts.
  • To remove the tooth from the small opening, the dentist may also widen the tooth socket by moving the tooth back and forth. You may feel some pressure during this step.
  • The site of the removed tooth will then be cleaned to remove any debris from the tooth.
  • A gauze will be placed over the extraction site to control bleeding.

Normally, the entire procedure shouldn’t take longer than 30-45 minutes. However, the duration may vary on the basis of the wisdom tooth’s placement and the patient’s response.

Long-term recovery

The wisdom tooth extraction surgery may cause bruising, swelling, and pain, which require time to heal. Some people require stitches to close the wound. The dental surgeon will usually remove these stitches after about 1 week.

Therefore, it can take up to two weeks to recover fully from the surgery. Although the recovery will be gradual, you can expect some improvement every day.

The healing process can be broken down as following:

  • First day: Blood clots will form which will help prevent bleeding and protect the wound from infection.
  • 2 to 3 days: Inflammation of the mouth and cheeks will subside.
  • At the end of 1 week: A dentist can remove any stitches, if any.
  • 7 to 10 days: Jaw stiffness and soreness will go away.
  • 2 weeks: Towards complete recovery.

Food to eat and foods to avoid

Eat soft food items such as noodles, pasta, eggs, mashed potato, yogurt and rice. You can have juices and soups along with these. One should avoid crunchy, hard and sticky foods such as nuts, seeds, bones or chips that may damage your wound.

If you are looking for Wisdom Teeth removal in Gurgaon visit The Dental Home today.


If your third molar is not causing pain, then most likely it doesn’t need removal.

But still evaluation is necessary because

  • It could be impacting adjacent teeth
  • Could Be Stuck inside bone below gums

Such a case could result in –

  • Damage to Adjacent Teeth: when wisdom tooth is angulated in such a way that it hits adjacent teeth it might cause damage to that tooth. In such situation third molar has to be removed
  • Jaw Damage
  • Sinus Problems such as Pain, Pressure and Congestion

Other reasons for removal of wisdom tooth can be –

  • Inflamed Gums: Tissue Around third molar area Can Swell leading to pain. This condition is called pericoronitis
  • Cavities

Such evaluation can be done by a dentist by taking your x-ray and evaluating it.

Wisdom tooth does not require extraction:

  • Healthy
  • Grown In Completely (Fully Erupted)
  • Positioned Correctly And Biting Properly With Their Opposing Teeth
  • Able To Be Cleaned As Part Of Daily Hygiene Practices

Always visit your dentist for a regular dental check up  and Talk To Your Dentist Or An Oral Surgeon About The Position And Health Of Your Wisdom Teeth And What’s Best For Your Situation.



Nothing can be more attractive than a healthy, beautiful smile. You must have to take care of your teeth and solve any issues related to it to keep that smile glowing. Sometimes, your dentist may advise you to treat a condition using a dental crown. A crown is a ‘cap’ that covers a tooth, to restore its normal shape and size, to strengthen, to ease the pain, or to improve its appearance.

Your tooth is made up of two parts, one is a root and the other is a crown. The part above the gum line is known as a clinical crown. A cap or dental crown is a restoration that covers the outer side of your clinical crown, to restore its shape, size, and strength, and improve its appearance. Dental crowns may be made from, a metal such as gold or another alloy, stainless steel, porcelain fused to metal, all resin, all ceramic, Zirconia or EMAX

All Metals Crowns

As the name implies these crowns are made up of metal. Metal crowns withstand biting and chewing forces well and probably last the longest in terms of wear down.


  • High Strength
  • More Longevity
  • High Compatibility
  • Cheaper in price


  • Since it is made up of metal so it doesn’t look as esthetic as other crowns

Porcelain-fused-to-metal Crowns:

These dental crowns have a metal coping inside and tooth colored ceramic layer outside which can be color matched to your adjacent teeth so that they look most like normal teeth.


  1. Conventional PFM crowns: these are made in the furnace in laboratories
  2. CAD CAM pfm crowns: These are made through cad cam technology so have very precise fit ad good margin adaptation. These crowns also come with a warranty ranging from 10 to 15 yrs.


  • Looks esthetic compared to a metal crown
  • Cheaper than metal free crown yet provide the advantage of color matching to the adjacent tooth


  • With time when your gums recess, a bluish hue of metal may be visible around your gum line

Zirconia crown

Zirconia crown is getting more and more popularity due to its extreme durability and natural look. It is a superior quality metal free crown.


  • Superior looks:
  • More confident smile
  • 100% biocompatible
  • Extraordinarily tough
  • They bond well with your tooth
  • Metal-free



EMAX Crown

EMAX is measured to be the finest match for natural teeth because of its transparency. It comes in small blocks for a conventional wax & press technique, so you will be able to gain exact fit and improved strength.


  • Best esthetics


  • Costly

How to choose a crown

While selecting a crown, it’s very important to know that there’s no single type of crown that always makes the best choice in every application. The right selection of crowns constantly differs depending on the requirements of the patient’s exact conditions. Here are some examples that can give you an idea of what types of crowns commonly make the best choice in certain conditions.

For front teeth

If your lip line is very high, your front teeth will mostly be on display to others. In this situation, placing an all-ceramic crown(E max) might be the first option because of the esthetics that this kind of restoration can give. Placing a porcelain-fused-to-metal or milled all-ceramic may also give better results.

When only a portion of the teeth is visible, the esthetic demands is reduced and therefore, other characteristics such as strength and durability may be given more importance in the selection process. Porcelain-fused-to-metal, all-ceramic or milled all-ceramic might be considered for this type of application.

For Back Teeth:

  • Molars:- If patient’s molars show very little while opening their mouth, the strength and durability can be the main criteria of selecting a crown and in conditions where the appearance of molars is an issue, porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns provide excellent service and are more aesthetically satisfying than all-metal ones. Milled all-ceramic crowns (particularly zirconia) may also be a sensible choice.
  • Premolars:- Although premolars usually hold a prominent spot in a person’s smile, they are defined as ‘back teeth’ and it can be expected that they may be exposed to heavy chewing forces. Porcelain-Fused-To-Metal crowns which are attractive in appearance and have a long track record of being strong, durable restorations can be a suitable option.

Do not delay and select the best crown to protect your teeth and enhance your beautiful smile.


A smile on the face can make anyone’s day brighter. You smile when you are happy when you greet a friend when you pay respect and courtesy to others. A beautiful, natural-looking smile makes you confident, relaxed and happy.

However, to maintain your smile beautifully, you must have to keep a very good oral health and to keep a good oral health you need a regular professional health cleaning by a certified dental hygienist. A professional cleaning aims to remove tartar, plaque, and stains that have accumulated on the teeth. You can develop tarter even after routine brushing and flossing of your teeth and gums Generally, dentists recommend having your teeth professionally cleaned every 6-12 months to reduce the likelihood of periodontal disease progressing. Here are some reasons why professional dental cleaning is required :

Avoid cavities

The built- up of plaque or a whitish film on your teeth may cause tooth decay. It is an acidic substance that eats away the tooth enamel and, if unattended, it can lead to cavities. Regular dental cleaning can remove the plaque and hence avoid cavities.

Prevent tooth loss

Gum disease starts with building up of plaque, which is the main cause of tooth loss in grown-ups. As gum disease progresses, plaque moves further down the tooth where it may destroy the supporting bone in your jaw, making teeth loosen and finally fall out. Luckily, getting your teeth cleaned can prevent gum diseases and early tooth loss.

Make your smile brighter

Consumption of tea, coffee, wine or tobacco can stain your teeth. Your dental hygienist will remove most of the stains that dull and discolor your teeth, and you’ll be left with a whiter and brighter smile.

Make your breath fresh

Regular check-ups and dental cleanings help avoid and resolve persistent bad breath.

Improve your overall health

Professional dental cleanings not only keep your smile bright; they may have an important impact on your general health. Inadequate oral hygiene has been connected to several serious illnesses, such as bone loss, cardiovascular diseases, strokes, cancers, and many other problems.

Cure broken fillings and Fractures

During a professional dental cleaning, it’s easy for your dentist to notice early signs of problems such as broken fillings and fractures and treat them.

Save money

Many dental insurance plans cover cleanings, and you’ll save money on dental expenditure in the long run by taking advantage of your policy.

So, brushing and flossing at home is very essential, but to make sure that your teeth are healthy and thoroughly clean, you should plan regular check-ups with your dentist in Gurgaon and regular dental cleanings with your dental hygienist.


Age is just a number… especially when it comes to your smile! There are no age requirements or limits when it comes to enjoying the advantages of a beautiful, vibrant smile. People are more confident and can communicate better when they know their teeth look healthy and straight.

Kids can need braces for any number of reasons, including crooked, overlapping, or overcrowded teeth, or a “bad bite” (known as malocclusion). Often, your child’s dentist will be the first to notice problems during a regular visit and recommend that you see an orthodontist (a dentist who specializes in correcting jaw and/or teeth alignment problems). The orthodontist can decide whether your child does indeed need braces and which devices would be best.

There are two types of teeth we may evaluate when you come to our office to discuss getting

  • 12-Year Molars: Also known as second molars, these permanent teeth usually erupt between ages 11 and 13. These teeth should be present before putting in braces.


  • Primary Teeth: You likely have heard these referred to as “baby teeth.” While braces can be placed when primary teeth are still present, this can lead to longer treatment times because the adult teeth still need to erupt. It’s best to wait until all the primary teeth are gone.


There’s no specific age at which a child should first visit the orthodontist. Some kids go when they are 6, some kids go when they’re 10, and some have that first visit when they are well into their teens.

When your children have their 12-year molars and have lost their primary teeth, they’re usually around ages 12 and 13. After consulting with an orthodontist, you’ll know if this is the appropriate age for your child to get braces.

Usually, dental braces treatment starts when a child has lost most of his or her milk teeth, and second set of teeth or permanent teeth have grown in – generally between age of 12  to 14yrs. The best treatment suitable for your child mainly depends on the severity of your child’s dental problems.

Also, Braces aren’t only for children and teenagers, however. If you’re an adult and your family couldn’t afford to get you braces as a child — or didn’t know you needed them, or you did get braces but didn’t follow up with your retainers — you can still get braces as an adult.

There isn’t an age limit for braces!

Discuss with your child’s orthodontist about the best course of action and give your child a beautiful smile.


Dental Implant is the best process for those who are having the missing tooth or have lost the tooth due to infection. An artificial tooth placement will be done in the mouth. To process this, the cylindrical or tapered screw made up of titanium (biofriendly) will be inserted to jawbone safely so that it would not get infected in future and would be able to tolerate the weight of the artificial tooth. The process is the safe and most ideal de to get the replaced teeth so that you could continue the normal dental activities.

The surgical process may need some time to heal since  the titanium post has been inserted into the jawbone and will be left to bond together with bone to make it more durable and strong . Temporary crown on implant can be given immediately followed by permanent crown placement after 3 months or the patient may need to wait for a week or month to get the perfect bond (osseointegration).One may also perform  routine chaos while attending the dental sittings. Once the implant is fixed firmly on the jawbone, a device called abutment or connector is fixed on the top of the implant. It will link the replacement tooth. Once the base is strengthened, individual tooth or the complete set of dentures will be set on the connector which will look like a natural dental system only. The whole process would be done under local anaesthesia and  it will surely give you a happy and healthier lifestyle. The success rate of the dental implant treatment is 95% approximately.

At The Dental Home we have experienced & Well qualified implantologist in Gurgaon offering the tooth fixing services through the dental implant. The procedure is done while fixing the titanium implant fixture in which crown can be placed on the same day. Single tooth replacement can be done in single sitting only. Dental Implants is performed for all the situation from single missing tooth to complete absence of teeth.

Various options like ALL ON 4 implants and ALL ON 6 implants are available to replace all missing teeth .

No need to bear the burden of missing tooths. Avail Dental Implants in Gurgaon at the most comparative cost.


Root canal treatment is conservative alternative for people who have got severe tooth decay and tooth pain. The modern anaesthesia and technique are quite helpful in doing the root canal treatment .Root canal is better than tooth extraction as natural tooth can be preserved . People who have already experienced both these treatment can better appreciate benefits of root canal over tooth extraction.

In root canal treatment or other endodontic treatment, doctors remove the infected pulp (nerve) and clean the infected area carefully. After cleaning when the area gets clean then a rubber-like sterile material called gutta percha is filled and sealed permanently inside tooth. After this process, the tooth is restored with permanent filling followed by crown and it continues to function like another tooth.

Benefits of root canal treatment :

  • Root canal treatment will provide relieve from the constant excruciating pain that patient experience before the treatment. Patient need not use the ice pack or other medicine as the treatment permanently removes the pain.
  • Root canal treatment cures infection which is present inside tooth.
  • The treatment also treats abscess (pus) in your infected tooth
  • Root Canal treatment will help the patient to restore natural biting force and normal sensation after the recovery period.
  • Chewing becomes efficient as the treatment saves the natural tooth
  • As the treatment saves the tooth, therefore, it is not required to extract the tooth, thereafter eliminating the need to replace the missing tooth with implants or feel embarrassed due to gaps.
  • It enhances your overall well-being and oral health
  • It can improve the appearance of your tooth
  • These benefits will truly enable the potential candidate to go ahead with this treatment.

Well, after knowing such benefits no one will be hesitant to get root canal treatment done. So if you are one of them, then consult the experienced dental professional now and get a dental appointment. The doctor will examine the tooth and remove the infected nerve (pulp) through this best treatment. A small preventive measure can bring you a great relief. So go ahead Avail best root canal treatment in Gurgaon at lowest possible cost and modern rotary root canal techniques.


  • Brush after every time you eat. That’s because food particles trapped in the braces can lead to bleeding or swollen or irritation in gums, bad breath, decay etc
  • Use of soft specially designed orthodontic toothbrush with round bristles, or an electric toothbrush if available is advisable
  • Brush each tooth at the gum line and both above and below the brackets. Brush your gum line first, holding the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle
  • Hard foods are another no-no. Foods such as nuts, ice, popcorn and meat can break the wires of the braces and loosen the brackets. Even otherwise healthy foods, such as raw apples and carrots, can be problematic because their hard texture can damage the wires. To eat crunchy foods, cut them into small, bite-size pieces
  • Avoid sticky and chewy foods, such as dried fruits, caramel, taffy, corn on the cob and chewing gum, all of which can become stuck and be hard to remove from braces
  • If you are stuck somewhere without a toothbrush, vigorously rinse your mouth with water (or mouthwash) and brush as soon as possible
  • If your braces or wires get injured or ulcerated the inside of your lips or cheeks, you can place a special wax on them to prevent this from happening
  • Clean the brackets by brushing at a downward angle on top of the brackets and brushing at an upward angle at the bottom of the brackets
  • Rinse again after brushingFlosser and interdental brushes are other dental cleaning aids which you can use along with mouthwashes

Removal of Appliance

The removal of orthodontic appliances usually takes about one hour. Instructions for retention appliances will be given at this appointment

Book Appointment

Retention Treatment

Do return to our clinic one month after the retention appliance has been delivered. After that appointment, visits will typically take place every two to four months. During the retention appointments, the retainer is examined, adjusted and corrected to ensure proper function.